Registering an Appeal with the Tribunal

The Tribunal hears appeals against decisions made by local authorities in England in relation to children’s and young people’s EHC needs assessments and EHC plans. Parents (in relation to children from 0 to the end of compulsory schooling) and young people (over compulsory school age until they reach age 25) can appeal to the Tribunal, following contact with a mediation adviser in most cases (see above for details).

Parents and young people can appeal to the Tribunal about:

  • a decision by a local authority not to carry out an EHC needs assessment or re-assessment.
  • a decision by a local authority that it is not necessary to issue an EHC plan following an assessment.
  • the description of a child or young person’s SEN specified in an EHC plan, the special educational provision specified, the school or other institution or type of school or other institution (such as a mainstream school/college) specified in the plan or that no school or other institution is specified.
  • an amendment to these elements of the EHC plan.
  • a decision by a local authority not to amend an EHC plan following a review or re-assessment.
  • a decision by a local authority to cease to maintain an EHC plan.

The Tribunal does not hear appeals about Personal Budgets, but will hear appeals about the special educational provision to which a Personal Budget may apply.

Parents and young people who are unhappy with decisions about the health and social care elements of an EHC plan can go to mediation. They can also complain through the health and social care complaints procedures.

The following conditions apply to appeals:

  • the parent or young person can appeal to the Tribunal when the EHC plan is initially finalised, following an amendment or a replacement of the plan.
  • appeals must be registered with the Tribunal within two months of the local authority sending a notice to the parent or young person of the decision about one of the matters that can be appealed to the Tribunal or within one month of a certificate being issued following mediation or the parent or young person being given mediation information.
  • the right to appeal a refusal of an EHC needs assessment will be triggered only where the local authority has not carried out an assessment in the previous six months.
  • when the parent or young person is appealing about a decision to cease to maintain the EHC plan the local authority has to maintain the plan until the Tribunal’s decision is made.

You can obtain information on the Tribunal Service from the SEND website.